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The Movie in Your Mind by Samuel Arcelay Available on Amazon and Booksellers Word Wide


You write the script, you direct it,

you produce it you are the star.

I am Samuel Arcelay, a self-taught writer. I write about many things but my favorite subject is behavioral science. Psychology, neuroscience, body language, child hood impressions, and the subconscious mind.

'User Manual for Your Mind' and 'The Movie in Your Mind' are my most recent.

This is a blog in progress. Here I intend to share my brilliant moments and much of what I write about in my books.

I  want to share my insights on the human mind, the brain, the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind.

In summary, behavioral science.

As I matured into the area of the brain and the subconscious mind I learned that the human brain and the subconscious mind have rules and laws that will be obeyed.
We use and obey these rules and laws everyday. We do this randomly without realizing that we are creating programs and conditioning automatic behavior and beliefs to run on autopilot.


This is because when we repeat anything the brain creates a neuropathway so that it can perform that behavior speech or thinking automatically.


Think of it as if you are practicing or rehearsing something. You become an expert at it. The brain does not pick and choose if anything is good for you or bad for you. It will examine what you feed it and eat it and go to work to produce the results it thinks you want.


The brain will examine the words that you say and the images that you entertain in your mind. It will also examine your enthusiasm and you tone of voice, your facial expression and your breathing and your body language. All of this sends a signal a command or a request to your brain and tells your brain how to make you feel.


Your brain responds with the release of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. Think of this as seasoning on your food. Salt pepper hot sauce garlic etc. Or sugar and cream for your coffee.


The brain will release serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, cortisol, adrenaline, and glutamate etc. In my books I discuss what each of these do and how they make us feel. I also detail the anatomy of a anxiety and panic attack and a stroke and I detail how anger,  paranoia, and fear are activated.


What's great about my book is that I tell you in detail how you are always in control with the words that you say and the images that you allow into your head. Read FREE sample on amazon of The Movie in Your Mind.

With our choice of words and the mages we allow into our head, we are giving our brain and subconscious mind instructions, request, commands, and signals.


The brain and the subconscious mind have a value system and a language, each is different. Your subconscious mind lives in and remains in the present moment. If you suffered shame or trauma in the past, to your subconscious mind it remains in the present moment. And the buried subconscious memory will dictate your future and current behavior.


To your brain the real and the imagined are the same and it can not distinguish. That is why when you have a wet dream you have an intense orgasm without having sex. That is why in a nightmare you are terrified and you wake up in shock. You were never in any danger you were sleeping but to your brain it was real.


What I teach you in my book is how to harness these rules and tap into their power with direction and control.
When we understand them, we can tap in and harness these great powers that already exist within us.


Prior to authoring 'User Manual for Your Mind' and 'The Movie in Your Mind' I authored

Drugs Street Life Prison Murder, The Cocaine Papers "What Drug Dealers Don't Tell You", Prison Episodes, and Stop Missing Out! "You Can Get Girls", to name a few.


I am also a poet and a lecturer. I am a 7th grade drop out who quit school at age 12 and was introduced to heroin injections at age 13 and then became an alcoholic and a heroin addict until I was sentenced to 5 years in maximum security prison in NY. It was 2 weeks after my 19th birthday.


I was released at age 23 and then I was introduced to crack cocaine and I also returned to heroin and withing a year I was homeless sleeping on the streets of NYC for 2 years. Throughout all of this I always had a pen and paper in my pocket and I always remain passionate about the written word.


On September 29th 1988 at 8:30 PM I drank alcohol and used drugs and nicotine for the last time and at the time of this writing I count 36 years drug alcohol and nicotine free. I had no choice but remain living in the same drug infested community with the same drug addicts and drug dealers and criminals that I was raised with. They were all I knew and my entire world consisted of 2 city blocks, 133rd St - 134th St.
Not everyone can do what I did. One day as an adult on my way to work, I decided to count how many people from my old neighborhood died during that time. I counted 52. In my 1st book, Drugs Street Life Prison Murder I dedicate a chapter to them RIP 52 Times.

When I was a homeless drug addict I woke up every morning with no money and no food or drugs alcohol or cigarettes. I never said, "Poor me, today I cant use drugs or dink or smoke, I don't have any money".


I made drugs alcohol and cigarettes appear out of thin air. How did I do that? Using the same analogy, on September 28th 1988 at 8:30 PM I stopped using heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana, angel dust, and cigarettes. Today I count 36 years, drug alcohol and nicotine free. By this analogy I could also have become a concert pianist or a college graduate. How did I do that?

Your life is different from mine but we have the same brain and the same psychological construct and the same nervous systems. The Movie in Your Mind by Samuel Arcelay .

Samuel Arcelay Author Poet Lecturer CEO Sam's Jewelry World USA

Other Books by Samuel Arcelay

User Manual for Your Mind by Samuel Arcelay Available on Amazon and Booksellers Worldwide
Drugs Street Life Prison Murder by Samuel Arcelay Available on Amazon and Booksellers Worldwide

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